⚙️Support & Compatibility

Wonder what plugins, datapacks have been integrated or tested? Here is the official list!

Integrated plugins

  • WorldGuard

  • Lands

  • Factions

  • Dynmap (stops from updating map with snow in winters)

AureliumSkills actionbar

To have support for both actionbars, you will need to disable aureliumskills' actionbar in plugins/AureliumSkills/config.yml.

  enabled: false

Then, go into plugins/AdvancedSeasons/lang/en.yml and update this below:

  actionBar: '%icon% &b%temperature%°%unit% %season%                  &c%aureliumskills_mana_int%/%aureliumskills_mana_max_int% Mana'

You will need to restart the server and that's it! Here is the end result:

Tested Datapacks

  • Arboria - fully works

  • Terralith - fully integrated, Terralith

If a plugin or datapack is not on this list, does not mean AdvancedSeasons and it doesn't work together! This is just a list of plugins/datapacks we've been requested to test with.

Last updated